Meg Medina has written books for over 15 years for adults and children. She likes to write about topics related to Latino culture.
A little girl pitches in to her Tia save for a car and take the whole family to the beach. Tia wants to buy a shiny green car to match the color of the ocean she wants to visit. Saving is hard because she has to put the money she makes in two piles; one for here and one for helping money. The helping money is so that family members who live far away can join them someday.Pre Reading Activity:
Questions: Does anyone know someone who lives far away? Does anyone know someone who lives in another state? Town?
Have the students write about someone that they know who does not live with them, could be far away or in another town.Post Reading Activity:
Do you think it is important to save money for things that we want?
Have the students write about something they would want to save money for, and how long it would take them to save.
I think this book is a wonderful way to show young children what life may be like for other children and families. Some students may be able to relate to family being far away, either in other states, or countries, and more families are struggling today to make ends meet. Children can see how hard some families have to work to enjoy something people may take for granted, like going to the beach.
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